Saturday, January 9, 2010

The love of a good photo

A photograph to me should tell you something, it should be honest, interesting to some degree and whether it be artistic or a portrait it should evoke something inside. I set up this photo blog to show just a small aspect of what I do in my photography. I specialize in natural lighting which means I don't use man made lighting equipment (gasp!); I use the environment, the sun or lack of it and anything nature will throw at me. I rapidly grew tired of a tangled mess of light stands, flash bulbs, umbrellas and backdrops, not to mention the cost and the room it took up taking it with me. Not that there is anything wrong with it all, I just discovered I want to give my clients and myself a sense of truth in my photography. I like to use the angles of the sun through a window or in the sky to create a setting for my photograph. I guess you could call it, stripped down photography. I went back to basics and discovered this passionate love for simplicity! I have always had a love affair with black and whites and I took that simplistic yet dynamic feel and started to apply it to every photo I took and found natural lighting offered the exact feel I had been looking for. It was an amazing self discovery in my work and so freeing that I feel in love with photography all over again. The other day, I was discussing my framed photos hanging all over my house and realized every single one of them had been taken outdoors or inside with no flash, no lights on, but just using what was coming through the windows. It was humbling and exciting all at the same time. It was that moment that I realized I don't think I will ever go back to the manipulation of a flash again! This is a very small collection of some of my work, I hope you enjoy.

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